News on Narrowband transition

Started by JCagle, September 22, 2010, 02:32:42 PM

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JCagleTopic starter

I saw CSX has announced that they will be moving to complete the narrowband transition before the end of 2011. This could drive NS to do the same thing along with short lines and regionals. I have heard no plans announced on the change for NS, but I would think they would at least have to start implementing the narrowband on a dual system since there are lots of locations that have interchange points and places where the railroads cross each other.  It will be interesting to see if this speeds the transition along.
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter


How will this impact listening to our scanners?

Fly Device

I'm wondering whether, if/when they do the narrowband upgrade, they'll go ahead and install equipment that also supports the digital standard that's mandated further out (in 2014 or so?).

The FCC requiring these changes seems like it incurs a huge expense for no good reason that I can see. The existing 2MHz AAR band isn't exactly a huge piece of spectral real estate. On top of that, in any given area I'm guessing ten or fewer of the 100 channels are in use.
- Matt
Trackside at 45.9, Piedmont Division

JCagleTopic starter

As of yet there is no mandate from the FCC to make the AAR band go digital. The date to switch over to the 12.5 MHZ splits goes into effect Jan 1, 2013.

As for the scanner/ radio equipment. It will depend on your equipment. Most of the transceivers built since about 2005 or so have the capability to be switched over to narrowband. Some scanners will not be able to switch over, but they still should be able to be tuned close enough to work with diminished function. Read this as shorter range and static.

I would start thinking about getting into equipment that is capible of making the transition to 12.5 and 6.5 Mhz splits since most of the newer models will handle both. There is talk of switching to the smaller split in the future at some time.  If you are not sure if your scanner will handle the new narrowband contact the manufacturer and they will know.

There may also be some frequency changes that come about because of all of the relicensing for narrow band.
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter

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