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Started by Whitethorne, June 01, 2009, 12:35:56 PM

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WhitethorneTopic starter

RP rejected these for'High Sun". Does these photos look like that To you?The one of 236 was taken at 10:30am.Then the one of 9356 was taken at 4:00pm
Samuel Phillips
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Yeah, they get real critical of these types of shots during the summer.  I had that issue last year!


Rule of thumb for  If the trucks aren't lit up on a sunny 3/4 view, expect an automatic reject. 

One way to avoid this problem is to try to shoot the train "head on" so that the trucks are barely visible.  However, if the shadows on the front of the lead unit from the anticlimber and plow cover most of the pilot, they'll still reject it.  Your second shot falls into this category.  I don't necessarily agree with's criteria, but you have to work within their "rules" to get shots accepted.  :-\ 
NW: There's No Stopping Us!


Another good way to get around the high sun issue is to get some elevation on your shot. If you are shooting from above the subject and the sun is high it doesn't pose such an issue with unwanted shaddows. If I am out in high sun times and I want to shoot something I try to find a building or bridge to get me up above the train. You can also get some nice more panoramic bird's eye type shots if you can get high enough.
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter

WhitethorneTopic starter

Thanks for the info
Samuel Phillips
My photos:
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I also don't agree that they are a supreme authority on good pictures, but they pay for the bandwidth so they get to decide what makes it. Granted there is some loss of quality with high sun I wouldn't say it kills a shot. I wouldn't let it keep me from shooting just because they won't take them.
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter