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June 2009 Contest

Started by Michael Knight, May 07, 2009, 09:13:33 PM

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Vote in the June 2009 Contest

Whitethorne V60
10 (45.5%)
Whitethorne 194
0 (0%)
NS145 35N
6 (27.3%)
trainchaser2 switchers
0 (0%)
Batman  SD60 & rainbow
1 (4.5%)
NS Horsehead 6699
0 (0%)
tq-07fan 906
0 (0%)
tq-07fan 376
1 (4.5%)
blue flag Grinder on NS trackage
0 (0%)
NS2593 16T
1 (4.5%)
butch Tunnel 26
3 (13.6%)

Total Members Voted: 22

Voting closed: June 01, 2009, 09:24:09 PM

Michael KnightTopic starter

The theme this month is stormlight. Enter your pictures of NS' (or its predecessors') trains with storm clouds, rainbows, rain, lightening, etc.

Each participant is allowed to enter two photos. If you have any questions, please contact me via private messaging.

Good luck! :)


NS V60 Salem
Second photo: 194 heads east through Salem with rain and storms coming up in  the back ground.
Samuel Phillips
My photos:
My videos:


35N (Pittsburgh-St. Louis/TRRA manifest) rolling west under dark clouds on the former Wabash at Cerro Gordo, IL.

NW: There's No Stopping Us!

Gage O'Dell

Switchers on a rainy day


Quote from: Whitethorne on May 08, 2009, 09:09:14 AM
NS V60 Salem

Nice shot!  I always like seeing SD60's running in LHF mode.
NW: There's No Stopping Us!

Ns Railfan


All those shots of the 6699/rainbow look surprisingly similar.  Hmmm...  ;)
NW: There's No Stopping Us!


These are both from Wednesday May 13 2009.

NS 906 Geometry Train on the Dayton District heading east through Springfield Ohio in light rain.

NS 376 on the Dayton Dist being held out of Miamisburg Ohio for a surfacing gang in heavy rain.

Sorry, no rainbows in Ohio...  ;D

blue flag

This Grinder is on NS trackage waiting on TA to resurface track
just this small window of sun in all the gloom.


NS 16T rolling east in a brief Spring downpour at Bristol, VA...the rain stopped and the sun was shining about 10 minutes later.

Gage O'Dell


Probably one of the "rainbow coalition"  ;D, assuming they don't split the vote 3 ways.
NW: There's No Stopping Us!


I just wonder if they were singing 'The Rainbow Connection' made popular by Kermit the Frog in the first Muppet Movie?

Gage O'Dell


It was drizzling Sunday afternoon when I took this on the back side of Tunnel 26 at Oakdale, does that count as stormlight?
Butch Adkins

Railroad Tunnel hunting in Kentucky


Don't forget that voting closes tomorrow night! Be sure to cast your vote!
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter


Congrats to this months winner Whitethorne with his V60 shot.
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter


Thanks for all the votes guys!
Samuel Phillips
My photos:
My videos:


Quote from: Whitethorne on June 02, 2009, 08:20:59 AM
Thanks for all the votes guys!

Congrats and thanks for sharing!   
NW: There's No Stopping Us!