Info on creating a site

Started by ccaranna, May 01, 2006, 11:21:10 PM

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I'm thinking it's maybe time to create my own website for my photographs.  I was wondering how I would even get started.  I know there are many here that have done this, so if those who have done so could give me some pointers, I would appreciate it!




learn HTML code.  learn it good !!


I second that, Mike, although I personally only know enough to get by.

Chuck, if you're wanting to start a site, I suggest taking a look at the following HTML reference. It gives you basically all the information you need to know and some basic tags to help you get started. It's where I learned most everything I know. Once you start getting the hang of it, HTML actually becomes pretty easy.  It's just a matter of repetitiveness.

Also, it might be a good idea to search for a good web hosting service. Free sites are OK to some extent, but usually have ads and limitations on storage and bandwidth. I personally suggest a host that charges a small fee per month.  You can actually get good web hosting for less than $10 monthly.

Michael Knight

New to computers, what's HTML code and what's it do?

E.M. Bell


Probably the two most important things to get started are.. 1- choose and register a domain name. Be creative in what you pick, and do your homework to make sure what you want has is not already in use.

2- PIck a host. There are thousands of hosting companies out there, so once again do your homework and search out who has the features you want for the best price.  Jreb is hosted by startlogic, and we have been very pleased with them. Most companies will offer several different plans, so pick what will suit your needs. One word of advice though, go ahead and get more server space and bandwith than you think you need, because you WILL need it later on!

After all of that comes the fun part.. learning how to use the software, designing and creating your content ect. And yes, some knowledge of HTML is helpful, although there are programs out there that will do HTML for you as you create content.

To answer Kapcars question, HTML is the basic language and structure that forms any webpage...text, graphics ect all are broken down into HTML.  Example..part of the HTML for the page you are looking at now looks kinda like this....

while (bbcode[bblast]) {
            butnumber = arraypop(bbcode) - 1;
            txtarea.value += bbtags[butnumber + 1];
            buttext = eval('' + butnumber + '.value');
            eval('' + butnumber + '.value ="' + buttext.substr(0,(buttext.length - 1)) + '"');
            imageTag = false;
   } else { // Open tags
E.M. Bell, KD4JSL
Salvisa, KY


Indiana Railfan

You might wanna learn about PHP and/or CSS as well, almost as important as html these days.

I'd recommend go daddy for domain registration, not sure about their hosting but their plans look pretty good.