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May 2008 Contest

Started by Michael Knight, April 17, 2008, 11:22:37 PM

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Vote for the Winner!

Whitehorne's 17M
0 (0%)
Dustin Grizzle's 38Q
7 (38.9%)
Joe Vittitoe's Classic 1988 Southern
6 (33.3%)
NS 2593's 236
2 (11.1%)
Bob Harpe's 723
0 (0%)
NS Fan14's New Albany
1 (5.6%)
TRNBUF's 223
2 (11.1%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Voting closed: May 01, 2008, 01:06:56 AM

Michael KnightTopic starter

Let's see everyone's entries for the May contest. Anything that is of NS or its predecessors is welcomed. Pictures from spring would be great. Good luck!


17M at Montgomery tunnel VA .
Samuel Phillips
My photos:
My videos:


NS 38Q, Eastbound through Bristol with a short mixed freight train.

My Rail Pictures at
JREB gallery -
Click Here to view my photos at RailPictures.Net!
Dustin Grizzle


Just stop the contest now. 

Helluva photo Khalua10



Who wants to be the first one into the batting cage after Sammy Sosa's practice???  That's like me (The Pillsbury Dough Boy) walking around muscle beach without a shirt on (look, mommy, a white whale walking down the beach!).

Rob Kitchen
Harrisburg, PA
Rob Kitchen
Harrisburg, PA

Joe Vittitoe

It's Sunday May 8,1988 and the Southern has been gone for nearly 6 years but on this
morning you wouldn't know it as what was a common occurance appeared at Tucker
Ky. near Jeffersontown. GP35 241 was built as Central of Georgia's 211 before being
renumbered to the Southern.This morning it was holding the main leading 161 east
as westbound 124 with caboose 691 on the rear end rolls by.

E.M. Bell

Quote from: tarnett on April 19, 2008, 09:09:06 PM
Just stop the contest now. 

Helluva photo Khalua10


Not so fast there Todd...I see we have ringer from Indiana  submitting for the first time...this ones gonna get nasty   ;D

E.M. Bell, KD4JSL
Salvisa, KY



NS 236 in the Bristol Yard.

Bob Harpe

NS 723 Gate City, Va. 04-18-08

Bob Harpe
Savannah, Ga.


NS Freight at New Albany,IN
Alex L. Moss


Eastbound NS #223 passes an orchard farm heading for a meet at Mt. Vernon. The signs of Spring are really starting to show. ~ NS Illinois Division

Photo Taken: 04/20/08
Location: Dix, Illinois

Michael KnightTopic starter

We have some great entries this month! Get your photos in before the voting begins Sunday evening. Good luck to all and thanks for participating!

Michael KnightTopic starter

The poll is up, good luck to all!

Michael KnightTopic starter

We have a very close contest this month. If you haven't voted, be sure to get your vote in by tonight! Good luck again to our participants!

Michael KnightTopic starter

This month's contest has perhaps been the closest in terms of the number of votes received by the winner and runner-up yet! Dustin Grizzle's image of train 38Q won by just one vote over Joe Vittitoe's classic 1988 Southern Railway picture.

Congratulations to Dustin and all who participated! Thanks for making this contest a success!

Dustin's winning picture will be seen on the main page of Jreb shortly. Congratulations again!