Outbound Derby train and F units, the full set

Started by E.M. Bell, May 12, 2007, 06:11:40 PM

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E.M. BellTopic starter

Excuse the amount of time it has taken me to getting  around to start posting this stuff.  After Five days of some hardcore railfaning and over 500 pics to go through, Im just now starting to get caught  up. Ill post the F unit stuff first, as it seems that is what everyone wants to see. More goodies from the CNO&TP and other places will following during the next week.

I want to say THANKS to Gary and the rest of the crew here at JREB for keeping us up-to-date on the goings on of these moves, we had more useful information flowing here than I saw anywhere else. I have said it a million times before, but our little group here is one of the best there is, and we are all glad to have everyone with us...

Sunday Morning  May 6th, Sean, JR and myself headed out Westbound to get near Louisville to wait on the Eastbound Departure of the 955.  On the way, we heard a couple of trains near tucker, and managed to get them on the Pope Lick bridge near Tucker KY.

Eastbound 111 at Pope Lick

And following right behind was the T79, headed for the mixer in Shelbyville.

We got us a quick bite the worst Burger king in KY, and headed into Louisville.  As the crowd of camera toting folks thickened, we began to wonder if the train would get on the move early  enough for good light. Around 1500 or so they got it all doubled up and finally backed out around the wye. Here are several shots as they made that move. This is the wye at the West end of the K&I yard in Louisville.

As the 955 made ready to get out of town, we jumped onto I64 with a fleet of folks following us, but by the time we got to Tucker, most had decided that  trying to follow JR at "inspired speed" through Louisville traffic was not such a good idea, and gave up. A small group of us made it to the East End of Tucker ahead of the train...

After shooting him at Tucker, we made a group decision to go on past the other usual places and stake out our spot at Turtle Tree Crossing at Wadddy KY. The number of railfans that made it back into Waddy was something to behold. In 19 years of shooting the Louisville district, I have never seen the like of people out after a train. We had folks from KY, TN, IN, AL, IL, MO and a host of other places join us.. This shot only shows a small precentage of them..

A Westbound rack train was going to hold the main to meet the 955, and lucky for us was short enough to clear our spot..

955 eases through the siding, the sound of cameras clicking almost drowned out the sound of the train...

After Waddy, we went straight to my "signiture" location at Vanarsdale, only to be joined by anouther hoard of people. Oh well, I have this place to myself the rest of the year...

955 at Vanarsdale KY

955 at Bellows Mill, just East of Harrodsburg KY.

Heading around the wye just North of Danville KY, on the CNO&TP mainline. They would stop here for fuel and a new crew.

By the time they got on the move away from the Wye, it was all but dark. We made one last stop at Burgin for some fancy camera tricks, and this was the result...

E.M. Bell, KD4JSL
Salvisa, KY



Great job on the photos Emmett.

It was great to see those many railfans out chasing the OCS. I had a wonderful time chasing this train and worth every bit of it.  :)


I just wanted to say Thank You for showing this Yankee some good old fashioned Southern hospitality by sharing your signature locations with me and fellow Northerners (Steve and Randy) and even having a good laugh about Duncan Tunnel !!  Awesome shots and beautiful countryside.  Thanks again-John W.

E.M. BellTopic starter

It was great to meet up with yall to John. Glad to know the reception here in KY was good, even if it wasnt so warm in Indiana  ;D  Feel free to share some of those pics with us when you can.

I sent this to Randy, but I dont know if he got it or not. You can truly say that you have been to Waddy Ky now, we have the evidence to prove it!

E.M. Bell, KD4JSL
Salvisa, KY