Forum's down (AKA host company killing me)

Started by E. Hodgson, November 14, 2020, 02:04:31 PM

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E. HodgsonTopic starter

I apologize, I have been super busy at work, and the host again decided to move the server which apparently broke everything once again. I am unsure how long it was down, but it has been repaired and is back. I hope this is the last issue, as I am on my last and final straw with the host company. They assure me this will be the last major move and all issues have been corrected... We will see. If you see any issues feel free to email me at I will correct them ASAP

Sorry for the inconvenience

E. HodgsonTopic starter

Update, the theme also seems to now cause issues, I reverted to default theme I will work on finding the solution (maybe the problem first) to this issue and set it back to the theme that matches the site.