Photo attachments

Started by Bill Richardson, January 20, 2020, 10:06:54 PM

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Bill RichardsonTopic starter

   Maybe I'm not doing it right, or maybe attachments aren't accepted any more.  I found that some attachments I put on one post don't work, and then I checked my latest one, with one attachment, and it doesn't work either.  I have attached some photos in the past that showed up.  Not now.  I don't know what the reason is.  I tried to replace a photo, by attachment, on my post about IC-1518, but it wouldn't work. Got a 404 page again, saying something about the path.  I did like I have before, browsed to find a photo, then clicked to upload it.  Won't work now.

E. Hodgson

I will look into it this weekend and update the status they should be working but it maybe have broken in the recent server change a few weeks ago.

I believe I am going to have to change host this company seems to be bouncing us around a lot recently leaving a trail of broken links and paths!

Thanks for alerting me I will get it resolved!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Bill RichardsonTopic starter

Mr. Hodgson---If you look for another host, I recommend   000 Web Host, which is now part of Hostinger.  I'm not sure which you would look into and sign up with.  One of my websites is with 000 Web Host.  I think Hostinger bought it out or whatever sometime after I signed on with 000.   000 Web Host is still an entity I assume, since that is the host name for my website, but Hostinger is the parent company I believe.  I haven't studied it.

Bill Richardson

Matt L

Some of the broken links were due to Photobucket being down for 2 weeks or so around Xmas. Anything linked to them didn't work... and Photobucket moved very slowly to fix the problem 9which was a server crash).
Got questions? I can help you with the Erie Lackawanna (including predecessors), Lehigh Valley, Delaware & Hudson and the shortlines of upstate NY.

Bill RichardsonTopic starter

   I quit using Photobucket a couple years ago.   I tried to attach  photos in recent time by uploading from my computer.  That has worked on Jreb before, but not lately.  Try it with your computer and see if it works.

Matt L

I tried your adivce and you are correct- attachments from my PC do not work.
Got questions? I can help you with the Erie Lackawanna (including predecessors), Lehigh Valley, Delaware & Hudson and the shortlines of upstate NY.

E. Hodgson

I believe I have corrected the attachment issue feel free to give it a shot if you get an error post the error you receive. I t appears to be an issue from the most recent server swap from the hosting company and a change to our directory home path. I am going to be talking to a new host and testing with them in the near future as this hosting company seems to not be full filling obligations and bouncing our little home around to much it causes me headaches here and multiple other sites I have on this server. Enough is Enough!

I have also corrected a few other glitches that have popped up!
