Where in GA/TN is a must visit?

Started by Ali Kenneth, July 29, 2019, 04:45:32 PM

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Ali KennethTopic starter

This October i am making my first Railfan trip across the pond flying in to Atlanta and having 6 nights to take in the sights and sounds of 2019 NS railroading.

The question is though where should i go? I will have a car and the world is my Oyster.

I was thinking of driving to Dalton Ga and spending a couple of nights in a hotel there but apart from that i am unsure what to do. I will be travelling alone so want to stay safe but apart from that i am open to suggestions.

Thanks in advance.

E. Hodgson

A trip north to Chattanooga to TVRM would probably be a good one day for you! Past that I  unfamiliar with the Georgia area but plenty of track in the state for sure.

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