B&H Alcos, 4 NS trains and the O&H U23B

Started by Matt L, June 13, 2017, 08:13:51 PM

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Matt LTopic starter

I spent last Friday in  NY's Southern Tier region again. The weather was nearly perfect.

The day began at the Bath & Hammondsport RR's yard in Cohocton. S1 #4 (a former NKP unit) was sitting behind the engine house again:

Further east, NS H77 was working the yard in Gang Mills:

The B&H local ran with a pack of Aclo/MLW power that looked and sounded great. Crossing the Cohocton River in Coopers Plains:

Grove Street in Savona:

Also Grove Street in Savona:

An hour later, NS H77 was still working in Gang Mills:

A complete look at the morning action on the B&H and NS can be seen in this sloide show:


All photos in this post and the link were taken by me Friday 6/9/2017 in Steuben County, NY. A special thanks goes out to the crew of the B&H for their friendliness and professionalism. 

Got questions? I can help you with the Erie Lackawanna (including predecessors), Lehigh Valley, Delaware & Hudson and the shortlines of upstate NY.

Matt LTopic starter

Thje afternoon was equally enjoyable.

NS locla H17 arrives for interchange with the Owego & Harford Railway:

NS 309 also arrived while H17 was shuffling around:

Meanwhile, the O&H had their U23B out and about toserivce a local scrap dealer. Here we see #23902 passin the ex-LV depot on West Street, which the O&H uses for their office:

Finally NS 28N arrived shrotly before i left:

Although NS 206 does run east of Buffalo on occasion, NS 2*N usually forwards the intemrodal traffic to merchanicaville... including this trip:

For a complete look at the afternoon fun on NS and the O&H, please visit this slide show:


All photos in this post and the link were taken by me Friday 6/9/2017 in Owego, NY. I'd also like to thank the O&H for their kindness, as well.

Got questions? I can help you with the Erie Lackawanna (including predecessors), Lehigh Valley, Delaware & Hudson and the shortlines of upstate NY.