"One Last Time" - Avenstoke to Shelbyville on the Louisville District

Started by Gage O'Dell, April 05, 2016, 11:34:14 AM

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Gage O'DellTopic starter

Okay, so the title is a little misleading. By one last time, I mean for myself and shooting the searchlights between Avenstoke and Shelbyville. Last Friday, I didn't have any classes and I was off work for once, so I drove west to shoot the signals for the last time, since the old searchlights and tri-lights are currently being replaced. With work and the 611 trips going on, it would be a little difficult to get back over to the Louisville District, so I gave it one last hurrah, and the line treated me well. EMDs and a bunch of trains! Now you can't ask for anything better than that! So without further ado, lets just jump straight into it! If you want to see the rest, head over to my Flickr page here>>https://www.flickr.com/photos/46459752@N08/

NS 376 splits the signals at Avenstoke

The classic look of a Southern searchlight

NS 167 crosses the NS/RJC Diamond as it passes by the abnormally tall Southern searchlight in Shelbyville

NS 167 climbs the grade up toward West Waddy

NS 289 curves by the signal at the East end of Waddy

NS 289 splits the Southern searchlights at Hemp Ridge, the intermediate just west of Waddy

The Hemp Ridge (MP 315) Southern Searchlights