Tunnels, Bridges and EMD's in the CNO&TP & K&O in TN

Started by E.M. Bell, March 21, 2016, 06:15:59 PM

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E.M. BellTopic starter

A couple of weeks ago, fellow Jreb member Adam Wells and myself made a rather impromptu trip South on the CNO&TP in TN.  The main goal was to pick up some material from a friend of ours near Oak Ridge, but we decided to make a day of it. 

Adam had never been to  (The over famous and hard to get to)  Nemo, Tn tunnels  before, so that became our goal of the morning.  We loaded up in his brand new Jeep Renegade and hit the road before 0600.  After the 3 hour drive, we finally left the paved road and got some mud on the tires as we made our way back through the old Tunnel #24 to get to the good spot at the North end of the active tunnel 23.  Luck was on our side traffic wise, and in less than 2 hours we had shot 6 trains in the early morning light.  The rest of our time at Nemo was spent playing with the new Jeep  in the mud and water (the old tunnel is FULL of water, some places close to 20 inched deep). 

After making  our pick up in Oak Ridge, we headed out on the NS K&O in search of train 112, which we knew had departed Knoxville.  After a short wait at Clinton, TN we shot 112 coming across the Clinch River Bridge and then followed him across the K&O towards Harriman Jct until the light was finally gone for the day.  Not a bad way to end a unplanned but productive little road trip! 

Below you can find a few favorites from the day.  The entire set can be found in full resolution at this link, in the 2nd District and K&O Galleries.  >>>>>>  http://www.pbase.com/kd4jsl/2016eb

Southbound NS M79 pops out the South end of Tunnel #23 and crosses the Emory River not to long after the sun finally made it into the valley

A Northbound work train sprints up the river between the tunnels at Nemo

Where Southern PS4's once rolled passenger trains....Adam negotiates the first big low spot inside Tunnel 24, Southbound...  He wanted some pics of the new ride in a place that not a lot of folks have been, so I obliged) 

And at the South End of T24.  I I think we had as much fun doing this as we did watching trains.

Later in the the day, the local has just cleared up on the C line (Jellico Branch) at Clinton TN, and will have to wait for 112 to run before coming back out. 

112 crosses the Clinch River Bridge at Clinton, TN on the K&O mainline. 

112 winds around the reverse curves as it climbs out of the Clinch River Valley at Laurel, TN 

E.M. Bell, KD4JSL
Salvisa, KY


Matt L

Got questions? I can help you with the Erie Lackawanna (including predecessors), Lehigh Valley, Delaware & Hudson and the shortlines of upstate NY.