Virtual CNO&TP

Started by NSyorktown, December 15, 2015, 01:06:29 PM

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NSyorktownTopic starter

I have finally retired the PC with Microsoft Train Simulator on it.  Fun times for a decade or two, but the machine died.  RIP!

A new computer is in-place, ready for newer railroading software.

Anyway, with some Christmas 2015 cash, I would like to buy a RR software package that includes the CNO&TP line.

Any recommendations?  TIA

E.M. Bell

Nothing commercially available that I know of..
E.M. Bell, KD4JSL
Salvisa, KY



It looks like Railworks/Train Simulator has at the very least considered the idea.

I'm pretty sure you'd be able to find something on the Trainz series as well...
TheVARailFan; home base: Norfolk, VA


With the advent of ORTS and a new editor for MSTS, I have continued to use it, simply because it has the best physics of any of the simulators.  Currently I have the Clinch and Appalachia areas under construction, and if anyone has created modern coal handling equipment for MSTS it would be nice.  The route begins in Bluefield and follow the Clinch Valley line and its branches to Norton, thence the former L&N and IRR lines to Appalachia and then the St.  Charles line.  You have to stop somewhere, so it just sorta goes out in oblivion west of Appalachia except for the St. Charles line.

I also have a preliminary setup of the CNO&TP, 2nd district, but I have not started track laying etc.  The 3rd district is in the library already and while not up to my standard, I did clean it up for a friend.  In doing the 2nd district, my intent is to include both the pre-1963 routes and the current route.

J. H. Sullivan
retired from Southern Rwy. & CSX

NSyorktownTopic starter

Thanks for the update . . . . . I am the one who posed the original question a few years back and am glad to hear about "possible" virtual routes along that famous line.



I have continued to create new routes for MSTS/ORTS.  At the moment, the most recent is the 3rd district of the CNO&TP.  An earlier version was cleaned up by me, but this new release from early 2022 is entirely revampted although I used the "framework"  of the old route.

At the request of an L&N "simmer" I created the Corbin to Knoxville line and included a short portion of the SR line to Jellico.  Now I am working on a revision & increase of that route which will include the L&N from Corbin to Etowah, also the Southern from Knoxville through Clinton to Harriman Jct. with a short portion of the CNO&TP 3rd district, and Clinto to Jellico to Fonde, KY &  Arco.  Also the Cumberland Gap line.  Knoxville to Arco was the route of a unit coal train from 11/67 till sometime in the 1980s.  I was supervisor of the track geometry car (R-1) on the first train to  ARCO in Nov. 1967 after which the line was regularly tested.  Look for this one late in 2022.  My PC is beginning to tell me that it wants to quit and when it does, the issue will be getting any simulation program to run under Win-11 as any new off-the shelf PC will be preloaded with that.

J. H. Sullivan

NSyorktownTopic starter

Excellent news . . . . keep us updated on your progress!
