NS 8103 (N&W heritage) Current Location?

Started by CharlesM, December 08, 2015, 05:10:42 PM

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CharlesMTopic starter

Hello everyone. Would anyone happen to have an update on the 8103's current location? It was spotted in Cincinnati on heritageunits.com on the 6th, as the last unit trailing on a train bound for Danville. I am assuming that the train has most likely arrived in the yard by now, and the N&W unit is now laying over waiting to be assigned. I appreciate any replies; I have been wanting to catch this unit leading for awhile now.

E.M. Bell

N&W 8103 lead Eye 5 A  (i5A) to Danville on Sunday, and has been there ever since.  That power usually flips on Northbound 200, and it may lead that train out of there tonight  (200 does not run on Mondays)   

E.M. Bell, KD4JSL
Salvisa, KY


CharlesMTopic starter

Quote from: E.M. Bell on December 08, 2015, 05:33:34 PM
N&W 8103 lead Eye 5 A  (i5A) to Danville on Sunday, and has been there ever since.  That power usually flips on Northbound 200, and it may lead that train out of there tonight  (200 does not run on Mondays)

Thanks E.M! I really appreciate.