My website

Started by Bill Richardson, April 03, 2015, 10:03:45 AM

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Bill RichardsonTopic starter

   When I joined this forum I posted a link to my web page about old tunnels on the CNO&TP.   I have an outdoors type website, and it did have a section for railroad material.  Recently I made a separate  website just for my railroad subjects.  It is about the same.  I just transferred everything to the new site, and made some changes.  I have two photo galleries on there, and have started a third.  The page on old tunnels is there, and a page about the Tyrone Bridge.  I have a short gallery of P&L engines, and a page about some of those old engines behind the NRE/VMV shops at Paducah.  Here is the link if anyone wants to look:


 Awesome shots. The Kings Mountain ice pics are incredible

Bill RichardsonTopic starter

Thanks.  Glad you like them.