Request for filter opinions....

Started by leroy, February 12, 2015, 10:48:11 AM

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leroyTopic starter

Dear folks... I shoot lots of stuff way down in the evening due to the traffic patterns here on the Knoxville-Harriman line... Glare and low sun do a lot to make photos look pretty bad on the "shady side" of the subject ya are shooting... please take the time to take a look at these two photos shot with a light polarizing filter and let me have your opinion as to the effects...

Thanks in advance...


Bill Richardson

Leroy---They look pretty good to me.  I'm not sure, but the B&W image looks like the same one, converted to B&W.  The B&W image looks good, in my opinion.  Nothing gone to black, and nothing "burned out".  Plenty of detail.  It all shows.  The color image is pretty good for the lighting situation.  Again, it all shows ok.  I like the B&W version better.  I think it looks better, of the two, in that situation.

leroyTopic starter

Bill... You are exactly right about the two images... They are the same shot; i converted to B & W; the other left "as is" with a linear polarizing filter... I like the B & W best myself... I think the B & W brings out more detail...

Thanks again for takin the time to look the pictures over...