PTC question

Started by Railroadguy, June 20, 2013, 09:59:23 PM

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RailroadguyTopic starter

How will PTC work in non signaled territories with no signals, will they have to install them or??


There is a system of PTC that used GPS in dark territory. Whether any RR's will use it or just signal the territory is anyone's guess. But, I am sure cost is in there somewhere. Dan


Someone correct me if I am wrong but PTC is only mandatory on lines that carry passenger trains, right?

NS Virginia Division Expert & Railfan


I heard it was mandatory on lines where Hazmats are moved, but I'm not 100% sure.

-Chip  :)


Quote from: Ptrainman on June 21, 2013, 11:01:42 AM
Someone correct me if I am wrong but PTC is only mandatory on lines that carry passenger trains, right?


All passenger lines... and any line where certain Haz-Mats are being carried. Dan

RailroadguyTopic starter

we will see as time goes on


To PTC non-signaled territory a system of transponders will be placed in locations where signals have traditionally been, such as the ends of each track where double goes to single, siding ends, etc. The transponders will provide a location signal (not talking colored lights) to the train as to whether it has authority to pass that location and if not apply the brakes BEFORE it arrives at that location.

PTC can be independent of CTC but, the lines needing PTC will in many cases be those line that also already needed CTC.