LIRC 2001

Started by srman, May 25, 2013, 10:37:21 PM

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srmanTopic starter

I know that this isn't NS. However they do have a Pennsylvania heritage unit and with ties to Altoona
and its predessor railroad I thought I would post this PRR inspired paint scheme that the Louisville & Indiana railroad has done up.I pass their yard in Jeffersonville In. each and every day to and from work
and it certainly is an eye catcher.These images were made this evening as it sat in front of their shops.

srmanTopic starter

Sorry the attached photo's.

E.M. Bell

Thats one of the better shots I have seen of that thing Joe, and it sure does look sharp. 

I have pretty much ignore the LIRC all these years, but a few of those running around might change that
E.M. Bell, KD4JSL
Salvisa, KY



That's a slick looking unit!
PA Dan