Fire in the night

Started by E.M. Bell, August 27, 2006, 02:01:25 AM

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E.M. BellTopic starter

OK..this is the off topic forum..and this is about as far off topic from railroads as one can get!  Every now and then, I get the urge to point my camera at something other than a train.  Fellow fourm member Randy Moore invited me to go with him to Richmond Ky this evening to a nite fire event with the Civil war group he works with.  A total of 4 cannons where fired, including One of the Two Mountain Howitzers owned by the 14th Kentucky lite artillery.  

I had been around this stuff several times in the past, but had no idea what to expect trying to shoot a event like this after dark.  25 or so shots produced what I felt where 3 "keepers" Its hard to get the timing just right, not to mention trying to figure out F stop and shutter speeds for something that last for 4 or 5 seconds max.  What you see below is pretty much what it looked like in person with just a small amount of post-proceesing in photoshop. Clicking any of the thumbs will produce a large image.

Randy prepares a charge before the event. Black powder and a little titanium  produce a great effect after dark.

A trio of big guns fire in sequence just after sunset.

The KY 14th from the side of the firing line.

Standing behind one of the howitzers..

E.M. Bell, KD4JSL
Salvisa, KY


Michael Knight

Excellent photography Emmett!!!