time out

Started by blacksheep, August 06, 2010, 09:55:33 PM

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blacksheepTopic starter

uh guys, two weeks ago i messed up and thought of OCS when i saw OLS in the heads up department. i put myself in time out and promised not to speak till i was told it was okay. i was just wondering, how long is this time out goin to last?


I kind of thought you were saying you were putting yourself in time out in jest.  You are always more than welcome to participate
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter

blacksheepTopic starter

thanks for lettin me play again. i kinda embarrassed myself so yea, i put myself in time out. kinda as a joke but when it looked like nobody was goin to let me out i got worried. i'll try not to put my foot in my mouth again.


We all make mistakes from time to time. The great thing about the people here is they are pretty forgiving and don't drag every little mistake through the mud.
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter

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