Locomotive Locations

Started by Conrail Quality, August 13, 2010, 01:01:12 AM

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Conrail QualityTopic starter

Hello to the entire JREB Discussion membership,
  I'm a new member, and as you can probably guess from my username, I'm a Conrail fan. I think a while ago when I was considering joining this website I read that you could find the locations of locomotives through the website, and if this is a feature, how do I navigate to it?
Specializing in ex-conrail equipment


there is not a board on JREB where you can type in a engine number and find its
location on the NS system.


There typically is no set schedule for these updates, but if there is something in particular you are looking for just ask.
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter


I live in Newport TN.  There is a local that works Con Agra and a couple other industries there.  I have often thought about posting to JREB the locomotive numbers and description of the locomotives that are sitting on the Newport House Track, but didn't thinkn there was a forum for this.  I know that there are folks out there who like roster shots of locomotives, so I figured from time to time I would post the locomotives I spot in Newport, in case anyone wanted to snap a shot while it is there.

I think this would be an excellent forum to keep active.  That way, anyone can post their loco sightings and we all can get there and snap our roster shots before the loco gets gone!

Now that this idea has been discussed in the previous post, I think I will start posting my own loco sightings!


Thats a good idea also for modelers who can get there and get detailed shot of em .... I like it I know that Chris has this on his site not tryin to take that away from him of course ...

Conrail QualityTopic starter

Oh ok so there would be a forum topic listing the locations?
Specializing in ex-conrail equipment


The listing of notable locomotive locations is in the motive power board. There are a few folks that list their sightings from outings in the trip reports section. Let's try to keep the sightings there since that's where they have been going. Of course if it is something of note feel free to post it in the heads up.
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter


The Odd/Unusual motive power updates, and general motive power updates can be found in the board http://www.jreb.org/ns/index.php?board=3.0 The odd and unusual updates are generally on the slug units and special builds and special schemes like 4610. The motive power updates are given roughly every month and are generally about units that have been repainted and or repaired, leased power, and units put in to or  taken out of storage.

If you were looking for a database where you can search for any locomotive it does not exist for the general public. We do have a number of active employees that are members and a couple of the most informed experts on NS motive power active in the forums. If you are looking for something in particular they may be able to track it down upon request.

Hope this helps!
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter

E.M. Bell

CQ, welcome to Jreb...we are always gald to have new members!  Feel free to participate and share are much as you want. I think you will find this place to be friendly, and hopefully informative. 

The engine locations are not, and never have been a constant thing. We are lucky to have some folks that have the resources to share that info with us with they can, but its not always a constant. Everyone is more than welcome to post what they see and where, big or small.

We are very fortunate to have a couple of folks as members, that are probably the leading authorities on NS Motive power (outside the RR itself)

If you haven't already, feel free to check out Chris Toths's and Mike Rays websites. They have very detail rosters, paint list and current information.  I doubt you will find better info anywhere...check out the links below.

NSDash9.com by Chris Toth.  http://www.nsdash9.com/

Mike Rays NS Locos site  http://www.nslocos.com/main.html
E.M. Bell, KD4JSL
Salvisa, KY


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