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October 2009 Contest

Started by JCagle, September 15, 2009, 10:02:28 PM

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Vote for your favorite

Whitethorne's 194
2 (15.4%)
Whitethorne's 17M
0 (0%)
Trainchaser2's Auto Racks
1 (7.7%)
NS2593's 22A
1 (7.7%)
NS2593's 25N
0 (0%)
Khalua10's 76A
5 (38.5%)
Batman's Fall Colors
3 (23.1%)
Batman's Fall Action
0 (0%)
tq-07fan's Bridge Gang
1 (7.7%)
NS145's D37
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 13

Voting closed: October 06, 2009, 10:30:24 PM

JCagleTopic starter

Sorry for the late start to the contest this month. Due to some computer problems that took time to get some parts I was off the grid for a while with the exception of my phone, which isn't great for getting a thread started with lots of copying and pasting with the rules and such.

The theme for the October contest is The Fall Vista. Show off your best shots of fall color.

We will close the entries on the 30th and begin voting on the 1st. As determined by popular demand voting will last for 5 days.

And as always the rules.....

All images entered in the contest must be your own images. Any violations of this will be banned from entering the contest for 6 months. Any subsequent violations will receive a minimum of 1 year suspension from the contest. At Jreb we take seriously the rights of photographers, and we strive to protect those rights.

Entries may be watermarked with your name if you desire, but please remove any references to other sites for contest entries.

There will be a theme announced for each month's contest.

All entries must be Norfolk Southern or it's predecessors.

There is no age limit or time frame that the pictures must be from.

Everyone including moderators and administrators may enter the contest.

Each participant is limited to two entries in the contest.

Since the winning image is posted on the main page you must attach the file as a thumbnail. You may post the image in the thread as well if you desire. Attaching the image can be done in the additional options menu above and to the left of the post button.

The deadline for entries will be posted in the theme post each month. Following the deadline a poll is placed in the thread for voting. When the poll is posted the deadline to vote is also posted. The poll will time out at the designated time. The winner is determined by the highest vote total.

In the event of a tie vote the moderator of the contest will cast the tie breaking vote.
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter


First Photo:194 at Narrows VA.
Second Photo:17M Bluefield
Samuel Phillips
My photos:
My videos:

Gage O'Dell

Auto Racks wait for crew at North Wye


First photo: NS 22A at Bluff City, TN
Second photo: NS 25N at Bristol, VA


NS 7661 leads 76A East about 3 miles out of the Bristol yard

My Rail Pictures at
JREB gallery -
Click Here to view my photos at RailPictures.Net!
Dustin Grizzle


What was the date on the triple header


The bridge gang from Chattanooga is up on the CNO&TP bridge replacing ties, seen here on the Ludlow KY side Sunday November 2 2008. They replaced somewhere over 10 thousand ties on the bridge.

JCagleTopic starter

Don't forget the deadline to enter is the 30th! Get your submissions in by midnight!
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter


Here's a sacrificial lamb for the contest...  D37 eastbound at Springfield, IL
NW: There's No Stopping Us!

JCagleTopic starter

The poll is now up. You may vote for the next 5 days.
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter

JCagleTopic starter

Congrats to Khalua10 for the winning submission of 76A. The shot will be displayed on the home page this month and will be added to the winning shot thread.
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter