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RP reject

Started by Whitethorne, April 10, 2009, 07:44:35 AM

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WhitethorneTopic starter

Railpictures rejected this for - Bad Angle: The angle from which the image was composed is poor. This can include extreme angles below or above the subject, uninteresting angles on roster shots, and images in which the train is going away from the viewer.- Underexposed.Any help on this?
Samuel Phillips
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Very cool shot, maybe they wanted more of the structure in the frame?  Anyways, this one is a keeper!

WhitethorneTopic starter

Thanks for the comment! It was my favorite out of the bunch.
Samuel Phillips
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Conrail Tweety

Nice shot!

Just think about how much gas it will take to drive the autos all the way out the other end.
"I 'tawt I 'taw a Tessie tat!"