Full of hot air

Started by E.M. Bell, April 30, 2006, 03:34:33 PM

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E.M. BellTopic starter

Its derby time again in Kentucky. Lots of things are going on, steam boat races, Derby trains, parties, and other events, including the great balloon race and the Balloon glows.  We will hopefully get to the trains next weekend when CSX and RJC operate into Louisville for the race, but here is something a little different..at least for me.  Randy made the suggestion that we should go shoot the Balloon glows on Thursday and Friday evenings..here are the results.  Not the kind of night photography you would expect from me (and this was a LOT more of a challenge).. hey, its the off topic forum after all!

As a sidenote, while we where shooting the big bags of hot air on Friday evening, the NS snuck their derby OCS into Louisville aftr dark...go figure..

Click the thumb below for the gallery..  

E.M. Bell, KD4JSL
Salvisa, KY