Intermodal Turns 50!

Started by Knothead, April 26, 2006, 05:58:22 PM

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Today is the 50th anniversary of the start of the modern
intermodal container era.  It was 50 years ago that the
"Ideal X" sailed with the first load of standardized intermodal
containers on April 26th, 1956.

It took the nations railroads several more years to get with
the program, but now intermodal container service accounts
for the majority of revenue for most class ones.  Just a
interesting factoid from istory.


Yeah that is interesting, I wouldn't have guessed it was that old.
Still, I'll take a coal train with a helper or two over an intermodal any day.  Coal trains are the one thing I miss the most about railroading since moving out of the mountains.

But the topic is intermodals.  I saw a couple of colorful containers on a train the other day. Royal blue with bright cursive-style writing on them.


Ah yes, Intermodals-  The modern-day passenger train.

(or at least that's what I think when they scream past me!)  :o  :mrgreen: