Netiquette for Our Forums

Started by Forum Tech, April 10, 2012, 09:29:57 PM

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We strive to keep JREB a friendly and reputable place for everyone, and we strive to put the best information we can about NS. We also strive to protect the rights of intellectual property (photos videos etc) of not only our members, but photographers and videographers and other contributors to the web. Some people are a little unsure of how to share their own intellectual property and that of others. We have put together a list of some common internet courtesies to help keep things properly attributed and our forums orderly.

  • When sharing a photo or video that is the property of someone else link to the site where you found the picture or video. Many photographers and videographers share their property through personal websites or sharing galleries. By sharing this way it not only shows that you do not own the photo or video, but it gives others a chance to interact with the owner should they decide to.
  • When sharing your own photos feel free to attach them in our forums, but please attach sparingly or imbed your pictures so that they can be kept in the same posts on a thread.  Posting single images multiple times jumbles things and makes it harder to keep up with what is new.
  • When posting heads up information confirm if it has been verified and how (visual, radio, email list, etc)

We will add more of these as situations arise. If you have any questions please contact a moderator or administrator.