Three men in a little Blue car on a Sunday

Started by E.M. Bell, October 17, 2005, 09:34:35 PM

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E.M. BellTopic starter

No clouds, great temps, plenty of sunshine and a good report of what trains where coming had Greg, Caleb, and myself ready to head out this past Sunday (10/16/05). After everyone met here at international headquarters (hereby referred to as my house) just before 0800, we had the usual discussion of who was driving. Three folks crammed in my  truck all day was not a option, My wife needed our van, Gregs truck was making funny noises, so we choose to take Calebs Toyota (hereby reffered to as the rotten sushi-mobile) .. Camera bags loaded, radios on,  Duck Tape on the cars battery terminals, and we where off....

We headed to the yard at Danville to hang out until the Southbounds stared running After a brief wait, 223 shows up with a great mix of power as a Northbound departs.

While 223 recrews and gets fueled, we head on South to Bowen to shoot a late 283 that was getting ready to leave.

Gregs shot of 283 at Bowen

My 283 shot at Bowen

283 is running slow up Moreland Hill, so we head for the 127 bridge to shoot him again.

With 283 gone, we head back to Bowen again for 223.  

My 223 shot at Bowen..

Gregs 223 shot..wide angle

We headed South towards Palm to shoot 223 again, but a fast train and a slow car with a slipping clutch saw to it that we would not see him again.  We try to shoot 177 at Palm but get blocked by 132 who was stopped there. So much for that plan.  Its back to Danville for a few more trains.  We know that 375 has a New whitefaced GE leading, plus a BNSF GP60 in ATSF paint, so we plan to make that the next Catch. We arrive at the Wye just as he pulls up for a new crew and fuel. (GD Photo)

Roster shot of BNSF 162

Cab detail of NS 8584, a well worn C39-8

We hang out at the wye for over a hour waiting for 375 to leave, and catch a few more.

197 with a clean SD70M flys past 375...a study in whitefaces

Gregs shot of 197 from the Buster Pike Bridge.

Finally, 375 is ready to head West. Seen here getting ready to swing onto the wye. Caleb can be seen on the bridge, doing his best to look like a UT hat and all!

A differnt view of 375 from Gregs camera.

As soon as 375 clears, 215 come screaming by on #1 track.

The radio tells of a long dry spell on the CNO&TP, so the decision is made to follow 375 West.  Caleb has to make a few adjustments to the car to get it started...duct tape here, a swift thump there, and we are ready to go..

Here are the last two shots from the day, both from Gregs camera.

A wide angle view of 375 passing 111 at Waddy

111 at Vanarsdale, near West of the "signature" shots on the East end of the LS.
E.M. Bell, KD4JSL
Salvisa, KY



The RP links didn't work on for some reason-I went and thumbnailed 'em for you.



Imagine the BNSF GP60M as the local in Lawrenceburg. Talk about a long line to get a photo. :wink:


Great Shots guys!! I'm shocked to see that UT hat didn't mysteriously blow off Caleb's head and get lost  some where along the way! That hat has to go!! :D