Instant Email notifications of new post!

Started by Forum Admin, July 25, 2012, 05:39:50 PM

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Forum AdminTopic starter

Did you know that you could set up an e-mail notification to inform you when a new topic is posted, or a response to a topic?  You can even set up to be notified anytime something is posted in a particular board.

It's simple, and can be a great way to keep advised of the latest happenings here at's NS Discussion Forum.

When browsing a topic or board of interest, simply look on the upper or lower right hand part of the page for a small button that says "NOTIFY".

One click will prompt a "YES" or "NO" question on whether or not you'd like to be notified by e-mail if a new post has been added to your board or topic of choice. Please make sure that you have a current email address entered on your profile.
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