Rejected at RailPix

Started by TonytheTiger, May 21, 2008, 09:22:19 PM

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TonytheTigerTopic starter

I'm not complaining about the rejection, but I did think that this photo says a lot about the hurry up and wait attitude that sometimes permeates the railroad industry.

I call it ?Frustration?

I have no idea how that radio handset got up in that crossarm, but my guess is that some frustrated traincrew got so agitated at not being able to get ahold of anyone that they ripped out the handset and threw it out the window.

That?s my story, and I?m sticking to it.

Rob Kitchen
Harrisburg, PA
Rob Kitchen
Harrisburg, PA

Michael Knight

Tony, I like your picture! The scene is very interesting. It looks as though the code wire is no longer used.

Perhaps if you had taken the picture vertically, and incorporated a passing train for the background.

In case you don't already know, JREB's gallery is open for all to post their railroad pictures on. The gallery's format is superb: no ads or pop-ups and no rejections!

I moved this topic over here to Photo Critique Requests. No worries! Photo Critique Requests was designed to be a place where photographers can get advice and opinions about their pictures.  ;)