Old Southern Kentucky Division Superintendent Clyde Bailiff passes

Started by NS O SCALER, July 21, 2019, 01:42:18 PM

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NS O SCALERTopic starter

First off, I know this is old news, but I have not seen any postings on this, and as usual, I just found out this information a few days ago.    The old Division Superintendent from the Somerset offices, Clyde Bailiff passed away back in  June of 2013.    I used to stop in and see both Clyde, and second trick dispatcher Paul Darnell back in the 80s and early 90s when down railfanning the Rathole.   Mr. Bailiff albeit could be a tough bugger to work for, he was also quite a railroad enthusiast whom I would always bring one of my favorite shots blown up for his office wall.    Several of the 11 x 14 pictures framed and hanging on his wall were mine from over the years.   It was humorous to hear the dispatchers in the Somerset office always refer to me as "C.B.s grandson"......  I am no relation of course, but I always had a chuckle over that!     Clyde retired shortly before the Somerset offices closed, and sadly we lost touch.    Paul Darnell passed back in October of 2001. just one month after the passing of his wife Jewel.