
Started by Bill Richardson, October 03, 2018, 07:31:55 AM

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Bill RichardsonTopic starter

Last night I was looking through photos on an older computer that I don't use any more and found several photos of two SD90 engines, back to back, pulling a train.  It was stopped in the Danville, KY yard when I saw them.  That was Jan. 2016.  That was the only time I saw two of them on the same train.  I rarely saw even one, but it happened now and then.  I made photos of a few of them.  I haven't seen one in over a year it seems, and have not seen any since they were repainted.  I haven't seen any SD80s either.  I think they usually run east and west, although one went south a month or so ago.  I think I saw that on the website. 

Update:  Jan 2020---I have seen a few repainted ones and got photos, and found that I have a photo of one SD80, on the Greenwood Trestle.  Attached is one photo of two SD90 engines together.  I'm not sure the attachment will work.