My website relocated

Started by Bill Richardson, October 11, 2017, 11:17:41 PM

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Bill RichardsonTopic starter

I had to relocate my websites with a different host.  Tonight, I posted an update in another section, Trip Reports, to a string started by Matt.  He had asked the name of my RR website back in August.  Since then, it has been turned off, because of a change in the "relay station" for want of a proper name for it.  I had a sub-domain, and now have a new one with a different host.      The carrier for certain sub-domains stopped carrying them.  No, I don't understand it, but had to change.  Besides, my allotted space was about used up.  Anyway, here is the link for the new home page:

Bill RichardsonTopic starter

I thought I had this settled, but I had to relocate my RR website again.  I now have it with AwardSpace, and changed the name again.  I haven't changed the name on the pages yet.

I don't have my #2 and #3 galleries up yet, just the first one.  I might make some changes in those.

I have been to Fulton, KY several times to visit relatives.  CN has a yard there and I visit that yard every time I'm in Fulton, to see what is there and make photos.  I will probably make a page on that.

A month or so ago, a friend and I went to the Cedar Brook Viaduct.  It is on the same line as the Tyrone Bridge.  I'm thinking about making a page on that subject.  It is a very old trestle, unused now.  Rails are gone, but the ties are still there.  They are showing their age, and some are partly rotted.  I found a bunch of cactus growing out of one.  I walked out a short distance, keeping to the far right, inside the beams running with the length of the trestle.  Weather was not good; rained already when starting the walk to the trestle, but it stopped before long.  At the trestle, I didn't go out there much because there was the possibility of more rain, and maybe wind.  I might go back some time and go out a little more.  It is not a place for carelessness and teenage foolishness, so I wouldn't want any of the wrong people going out there.  I'd like to show some photos to people on this website and others who might visit my website, but I don't want careless/reckless type people going out there after seeing it on my website.  That is sort of a dilemma.

E. Hodgson

If you have issues again let me know I can set you up with some space and whatever you need here with a domain of your own or a forwarder. Depending amount of space and bandwidth used either no charge or a very small monthly fee to accommodate extra space.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Bill RichardsonTopic starter

Thanks for the offer.  For now, I already have my RR website established with Award-Space.  I haven't done any registering/optimizing yet, but will soon.  I have a page on Fulton about finished.

Bill RichardsonTopic starter

I made some changes on my RR website, and added the Fulton, KY page.  Here is the link to that page:

This isn't part of NS, but it is interesting to me, and probably would be to other people.  I like to see engines from other railroads, for variety, and especially unusual ones, such as those older ones still in a paint scheme from a former railroad taken over by another one.   I look up engines I have photographed to find out the model number if I don't already know it.   Many engines have a history with different owners, and different paint schemes.  It is interesting to look them up and find old photos of them showing them in their other paint.  I did that with many of the engines I saw at Fulton, on different trips.  On my Fulton page, I included links with most of my photos, showing what those engines looked like in previous times.  I did that for some of the old engines I saw at the Paducah Shops when I went there in 2014.  I made a page "Railroad Engine Salvage Yard", under the heading of "Paducah".  I included links to some old photos of engines that I saw behind the Shops.  This forum is mainly for NS, but I know that many people like to see and photograph other road names, and to look at photos of them on here.  So, this is about Canadian National engines at the Fulton yard.  I have seen engines there that I didn't know of.  I hope to see an IC engine some time, still in the IC paint.