Prayers Please

Started by thpbears, January 17, 2017, 12:44:05 PM

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thpbearsTopic starter

Guys this isn't railroad related and I may get into trouble for posting but its a chance that I will take. Yesterday while chasing some trains with my little boy I thought of a three year old in Nashville fighting for his life. This little guy needs a heart transplant and just to put it simply he is the best of what our country can produce. I am attaching a link and am simply asking for your thoughts and prayers for him as well as his family.  And if you are in the Nashville area his address at Vanderbuilt Childrens hospital is on the sight a little ways down. Just couldn't get him off my mind even with all the NS trains we saw yesterday. Thanks.

E. Hodgson

I see no problem with this post David!

Will keep the little guy in my thoughts.

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He's got prayers from up here in PA