NS 099 First Responders train on the CNO&TP

Started by E.M. Bell, August 09, 2016, 02:39:06 PM

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E.M. BellTopic starter

Sunday 08/07/16, NS moved the First Responders Training Equipment from Cincinnati to Knoxville, via the CNO&TP and K&O.  This train consist of several cars specially designed as a mobile classroom to teach Fire Departments, Police and EMS about Haz-Mat Response on rail equipment, similar to the older DUPONT Safety train that has been in service for several years.  NS GP38-2 # 5642 (former PC 7868) is the assigned power for the train and has been painted in a special scheme to reflect that service. 

The train made good time South out of Cincinnati, and John Owens, Sean Hoyden and myself made our First intercept just South of Brown, Ky and had hopes of following it all the way to Burnside.  As luck would have it, the CNO&TP was its usual busy self, and by the time 099 made it to Danville, KY it had 8 Southbounds ahead of it bunched up around the yard to fuel,  creating about 2 hours of delay.  We only manged to shoot it at 3 locations, but I was pleased with what we got..  see below. 

You can find the full sized versions of these at my new gallery on Flickr, which I am still "feeling out" to see if I like it....feel free to check this link >>   https://www.flickr.com/gp/145867064@N02/58Yek5


Just South of Brown, KY on the 1st District of the CNO&TP

NS 099 heads out onto single track at Bowen, KY after finally getting through the congestion at Danville. 

A few roster shots of the power and cars at CP North Wye, near Danville, Ky

And a few other goodies we shot while waiting on the 099. It was a busy afternoon...

Southbound 117 struggles up the hill at Burgin, Ky, framed with a Peterbuilt and Old Glory proudly flying in the background. 

NS 375 with a clean UP Ace leading waits for a Louisville Crew as train 215 eases up beside them at North Wye.  215 would have to wye his power due to a broken window on the lead unit (thanks to a rock throwing urchin around Lexington)

After turning the lead Two units on the wye, NS 215 get back on the move South with a dirty SD60E leading at CP North Wye, near Danville, KY

143 is climbing out of the Kentucky River Valley at Brown, KY...seen here passing by the lower yard at the E.W. Brown power plant. 

Southbound 123 passes a crewless grain train tied down on #2 track at Bowen, KY
E.M. Bell, KD4JSL
Salvisa, KY