CNOTP 3rd District: Rise of the Cyborgs

Started by PGupton, October 15, 2013, 09:10:09 PM

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PGuptonTopic starter

Thus far, I've been able to get most of my railfanning done while there were still searchlights. However, today was my first day out on the CNO&TP in almost 3 months and I was in for a surprise.

It seems all signals up to South Rockwood, still a hold-out, have been switched over. however, the replacements are in place in Rockwood and it is only a matter of time.

Long story short, I did a bit of foaming between Oakdale and Spring City today and was able to get some pictures of both searchlight hold-outs and cyborgs.

Shots included are, in order: Oakdale, Rockwood, MP 280.2 (I don't know the name of this location), and Spring City.

PGuptonTopic starter