HOW TO: Attach pictures to your post.

Started by Forum Admin, January 08, 2013, 06:06:25 PM

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Forum AdminTopic starter

Pictures! Everyone loves them, and here at Jreb we encourage you to share! New Stuff, Old Stuff and anything in between. One of the questions we often get is "How can I attach or imbed my images in a post??:

There are a few ways by which you can do this, for the sake of this topic, lets just look at the three most popular.

1) Just post a link to your image. If you use a photo hosting site like Flicker, Pbase or even (we don't discriminate around here) just post a link. That will get you some more hits (admit it, you like seeing lots of hits on your images don't ya!!)  ;)  This method is quick, painless, and saves some our valuable server space.

2) Post inline to the bottom of your post:  While posting, look below the free text field (the box you're typing the message in) and click on the link that says "Additional Options".  You will see new  options present themselves to you, one of these is a "BROWSE" feature that will allow you to look on your computer for a photo or other attachment.   It's similar to e-mail, you can post, .mpg, .wav,  .jpg, .gif, .pdf, .xls and assorted other file types.  

We do have  a limit on file size, which is 500K per file, up to four 500K files per post.   If you need to post something larger, contact an Administrator and we can post it for you if it's deemed useful to the community (or its jut to cool to pass up!) Using this option is fine, but it does take up a lot of valuable server space and bandwith (thus the reason on the size limit).

The preferred method is imbedding. Basically this means you link to your image on another hosting site, but it will show up in your post. This will save people from having to click and go away, come back, go away need in getting lost in cyberspace just to look at a train pic! Here is how to do it (and please note, not all hosting sites allow you to do this, make sure yours will)

3) HTML image tags.

If you have an image on another website that you would like to link to, you can simply Right Click on that image and go to "Copy Image Location".   This captures the URL and position of the image on the host website.

When you plant the URL into your post here on the NS Forum, simply enclose the URL with an HTML Image Tag like this. To produce the image tag, you can either type it (and who wants to do that) OR you can click on the handy dandy tag button. The image tag button is up above the box where you type your post, second from the left (under the italic "I" and above the smiley faces)


   Example:  [img]http://URL goes here[/img]

The advantage to this technique is it allows you to place the photo in any location within your post, great for Trip Reports!

We  hope this helps, and as always if there are questions, please feel free to let a Mod or one of the Admins know and we'll address it as soon as we can.

Thanks for participating!
The team