Old Rathole Division Tunnels--No. 5

Started by Bill Richardson, October 05, 2013, 11:32:44 AM

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Bill RichardsonTopic starter

My first post was about my website with a page on the old tunnels of the Rathole Division.  I put it in the "General Discussion" section.  I guess it should have been in the "Vintage" section.  I went back to tunnel #5 yesterday and made some new photos, from the south end.  I put a couple of them on the web page.  I'm going to try to put a smaller version of the inside photo on this forum page.  Besides going to the tunnel, I went to other places and made some train photos.  I stopped at an NS office, and talked with an employee who was outside, and asked if it would be ok to walk along the track toward a bridge, so I could make some photos.  He said he thought it would be alright, to just stay off the bridge and tracks.  I plan to have a page on miscellaneous train pictures.  From looking on jreb, it appears that a lot of people have their own websites with train photos.  I have seen many good ones.  I guess I need to carry a camera all the time.  Recently, on the way to Somerset, late in the day, I passed a train.  Soon after, I turned off at a crossing and waited to see the locomotive, which had different colors.  It turned out to be a "Southern" with green and white colors. First one I have seen.  I rarely see one that is not black and white.  I didn't have a camera.  We were going to a grocery store.  Here is a link to the page on old tunnels:


Hey Bill, has the swamp on the south end of T5 dried up enough that you can get to the portal, or were you in mudder mode?
Butch Adkins

Railroad Tunnel hunting in Kentucky

Bill RichardsonTopic starter

Butch--It is still a swamp, at the lead-in to the tunnel.  I put a good photo of it on my web page for tunnels.  I wore regular boots, not rubber boots.  I was able to step on dirt and grass, tree parts, and some rock to get to the opening.  I sank a boot just a little in mud now and then, and stepped quickly in water a few times, going to the tunnel.  Right at the opening, is a pile of rocks above water.  I could stand on that with no problem and make photos.  On the way back out, I stepped in the wrong place and sank a boot almost to the top.  I wanted to go through the tunnel, but didn't; not with my good hiking boots on.  With rubber boots I could go through.  My guess is that the water is less than a foot deep through there.  What I saw is only several inches.  There might be some deeper than a foot, but it is probably level.  If I go back, I  will probably go around to the north end.  I don't know who owns the property.  It might be people who live out that little road.  My guess is that whoever lives out in the big open area owns a lot of land there, including land where the tunnel is.  I might go out there some time and ask about it.  I have been to the north portal before, but I went down a brushy slope from a road to the bottom.  It would be nice to be able to drive back around there, and get to the old roadbed easily, then walk back to the tunnel.  I wanted to walk some of the old road bed anyway, north of the tunnel.  I will include here a 500 pixel photo of the swamp at the south end.  I have a bigger photo of that place on my web page.


Thanks, yep, they're nice folks.  You can drive a lot of the old grade by going in up by the overpass.
Butch Adkins

Railroad Tunnel hunting in Kentucky

Ponce de Leon

Ron Flanary