Camp Chase switchers.

Started by Ed Fury, December 30, 2011, 07:24:13 PM

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Ed FuryTopic starter

Saw these parked the day before and they were out working today but I am not sure where. Nice fresh paint. Columbus Ohio. I know we have a lot of switcher fans.

E.M. Bell

Wow..those are rather Orange. Judging by the number boards, I would venture to guess that pair came from the SP...relocated cruds!
E.M. Bell, KD4JSL
Salvisa, KY


Kentucky & Indiana Terminal RR

Thanks for sharing, switchers are my fave's. They have a very SIND (southern indiana railway ) like paint scheme, look ready for deer season  ;D
"The engineer in the old high cab his gold watch in his hand, looking at the waterglass and letting down the sand, rolling out on the old main line taking up the slack, gone today so they say but tomorrow he'll be back...."


Definitely wont get shot at in those!

NS Virginia Division Expert & Railfan

Ed FuryTopic starter

I've found another black and white switcher at a grain elevator east of town. I am going to go back when/if there is sunshine again. I saw it from the expressway and it looks to be an older SW type engine. But I am not that good with old switcher engine identification.

Ed FuryTopic starter

Hocking Valley Scenic Railway C&O 5833

Got a cab tour. Probably could have ridden in to town from the engine house if I had the time. Very nice and friendly place.

Nelsonville, Ohio

Kentucky & Indiana Terminal RR

"The engineer in the old high cab his gold watch in his hand, looking at the waterglass and letting down the sand, rolling out on the old main line taking up the slack, gone today so they say but tomorrow he'll be back...."

Ed FuryTopic starter

So I've been hearing a train come by every day about 12:30ish..

And it is the Camp Chase doing some switching job. Today there was finally sunshine. This was from the passenger seat of the car.

Also went over to the grain silo and caught them working. This was a pain to climb up over a chain link fence and walk up on the overpass to get these shots.

Tomorrow is Marion Ohio.


There is also a C&O Geep at Clifon Forge, VA.