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October 2010 Contest

Started by JCagle, August 31, 2010, 03:20:05 PM

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Select up to 3 submissions for the October contest winner

Batman's TVRM
6 (31.6%)
Rich K's 65K
2 (10.5%)
Rich K's OCS
1 (5.3%)
Trainchaser2's 62N
1 (5.3%)
Whitethorne's 16T
2 (10.5%)
Whitethorne's Montgomery, VA
0 (0%)
Notch8's 765
11 (57.9%)
NSMoWandS' High Hood
2 (10.5%)
NSMoWandS' Ballast Train
2 (10.5%)
Easterniarail's Faulkner Rd
2 (10.5%)
Easterniarail's OCS
0 (0%)
Srman's 67M
3 (15.8%)
Tarnett's A and J
8 (42.1%)
NS2593's 722
3 (15.8%)
Ed Fury's Buechel Depot
1 (5.3%)
Ed Fury's Hikes Ln Overpass
1 (5.3%)

Total Members Voted: 19

Voting closed: October 03, 2010, 01:30:51 AM

JCagleTopic starter

Typically the October contest is themed around the fall colors, but we are going to hold off on that one for a while so everyone can get a chance to shoot them this year. (hint hint)

This month the theme for the contest is "black and white", and we aren't talking about the paint scheme of the power. Show off your favorite black and white photos in this month's contest.

Entries can be submitted immediately, and will be accepted until the 26th of September (I'm trying to standardize the date to the last Sunday of the month whenever possible). Following the close of entry the poll will be up for 5 days.

Each participant is allowed two entries this month.

Good luck to all! Contact me with any questions you may have.
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter

Rich K

NS 8598 leading empty hopper train 65K

NS OCS train at Olmsted Falls, Ohio 9/2/10

Rich K

The Railfan Gallery

Gage O'Dell

1. NS 62N North Wye


First picture: 16T Glade Spring,VA
Second picture: Montgomery,VA
Samuel Phillips
My photos:
My videos:


High hood GP38-2 5001 shows it former owner. Look carefully...


Mini Ballest train dumping over 23rd St interlocking in Chattanooga, TN 05.12.2010


I was in Kentucky for Spring Break visiting relatives and got the opportunity to railfan my old stomping grounds; the NS Central Division. On this cool, dreary morning, NS 376 comes off the Louisville Dst via the North Wye while NS 375 slows to a stop at Faulkner Rd, north of Danville, KY. March 15, 2010.

Also attached(from the NS Archives), NS Derby OCS from 2007 on its return trip, passing thru the siding at Waddy, KY.

JCagleTopic starter

Just a reminder to everyone to be sure your entries are within the contest rules. The contest rules can be found in the sticky section at the top of the contest board page.
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter


NS 67M heads west up Duncan Hill in New Albany with SD60 6688 in command and a Dash 9 on the other end pushing. Taken 2/10/2010.



  N&W 1218 and 611 during an evening photo shoot (Lerro Productions event) at the VMT.  Enjoy.


Todd Arnett


Glint shot of NS 722 on January 15, 2008 at Bluff City, TN.

JCagleTopic starter

Don't forget the deadline to enter is Sunday night at Midnight. Keep the great looking entries coming.
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter

Ed Fury

NS 7614 02-09-2010 3:40pm

1) Buechel Depot
2) Hikes Ln Overpass


Mr Cagle:

I have made the necessary adjustment to my entry and went with something from "Spring Break" 2010.
Also added another from my NS Archives.


JCagleTopic starter

I was a little later getting the post up tonight than I wanted to be due to a work emergency, but it is finally up and ready for clicking for the next 5 days. You can select up to 3 pictures.
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter

JCagleTopic starter

Congrats this month's winner to Notch8 for his shot of NKP 765. The winning photo will be up on the main page and facebook later this evening. There were a lot of great entries this month, so let's keep it up!
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter

E.M. Bell

Congrats to Brian for winning on his first time entering the contest! We have a awesomely talented group of photographers here, and its always great to see all these good pics. Just remember, everyone is more than welcome to share your work here on JREB, and not just in the contest. We have plenty of places to post your pics, so lets see them..old, new, artsy fartsy or just a wedgie...its all good!   
E.M. Bell, KD4JSL
Salvisa, KY


JCagleTopic starter

I didn't notice it was his first entry. When I saw that shot hit the board I knew it would be tough to beat. Definitely some great work
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter