Android phone scanner, includes railroads

Started by Kentucky & Indiana Terminal RR, August 30, 2010, 01:58:46 PM

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Kentucky & Indiana Terminal RRTopic starter

I just downloaded an app called scanner radio by gordon edwards for my android phone.  It has automatic scanning abilities that cover air, fire, police, weather, river traffic, ems, and most importantly rail traffic.  Now its in its infancy so it doesnt have just every single corridor on here just yet.  so far the closest to louisville rail I can get is chattanooga, but states like georgia, florida, illinois, the carolinas , michigan and alabama seem to have quite a few already listed on here.  I can listen to alabama scanners from ky, or any other scanner this way.  I believe it uses an online scanner to achieve this, it streams live feeds to your phone from these scanners.  I listened to live Louisville metro police feeds for awhile last night just to humor myself.  You can add custom scanners as long as they are mp3 formatted and you know the url code.  I dont think this will replace anybodys big scanners in their car or home but I know you guys do a lot of train chasing and it does seem to cover some hot NS territory, and mainly it is a free app.  I guess its more just for fun but I thought some of you may get a kick out of downloading it. it also has chat abilities between you and others listening to the same scanner, I am literally listening to the CSX switch in montgomery yard in Alabama while typing this.
"The engineer in the old high cab his gold watch in his hand, looking at the waterglass and letting down the sand, rolling out on the old main line taking up the slack, gone today so they say but tomorrow he'll be back...."


 :o Can you listen to the Georgia Division, Atlanta North ds?

I know of no way to hear this district, the best way to use ATCSMonitor is with a scanner(though the system is yet uncompleted).


I've toyed with it on a friend's phone (droid is coming next for me), and it works pretty well on the local stream. There is a little lag just as if it is streamed from railroad radio or other sites.
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter

Kentucky & Indiana Terminal RRTopic starter

It lists greater Savannah, Montezuma, Oglethorpe areas, and the bowe line, southend fitz sub. Does any of that help? Plus a bunch of csx locations.
"The engineer in the old high cab his gold watch in his hand, looking at the waterglass and letting down the sand, rolling out on the old main line taking up the slack, gone today so they say but tomorrow he'll be back...."


that works great now my droid is a

GPS navigator
alarm clock


This shows why current scanner laws are outdated. When you can stream it from the internet and then through a phone app, the anti-scanner laws likely do not reply.


 8) They only are applied to commision of a crime whilst using a scanner.



on the NS  I have loaded

Ashville , NC
Pittsburgh , Pa
Roanoke , Va
Savannah , Ga
Chattanooga , Tn


Hamlet NC
Montgomery ,Dothan , AL

E.M. Bell

IS the Chatt stream still working Mike?  I used to listen to that at home on RR Radio . net, but its not been working on there for awhile now..
E.M. Bell, KD4JSL
Salvisa, KY


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