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July 2010 Photo Contest

Started by JCagle, June 01, 2010, 11:37:34 PM

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Vote for up to 3 entries in the July contest.

K8DTI's 197
5 (33.3%)
NSMoWandS's 2 Standard cabs
3 (20%)
diesel9's P09
1 (6.7%)
Batman's Debutts Yard
6 (40%)
NS145's D37
5 (33.3%)
cmherndon's 375
4 (26.7%)
NS2593's V19
6 (40%)
trainchaser2's 224
1 (6.7%)
mbgphoto79's Graham Street
2 (13.3%)

Total Members Voted: 15

Voting closed: July 02, 2010, 10:59:02 PM

JCagleTopic starter

This months theme is going to be spartan (standard) cabs. Show off your favorite shot of a spartan cab this month. Best of luck to all!
We will take entries until the 27th and begin voting on the 28th.

And as always the rules.....

All images entered in the contest must be your own images. Any violations of this will be banned from entering the contest for 6 months. Any subsequent violations will receive a minimum of 1 year suspension from the contest. At Jreb we take seriously the rights of photographers, and we strive to protect those rights.

Entries may be watermarked with your name if you desire, but please remove any references to other sites for contest entries.

There will be a theme announced for each month's contest.

All entries must be Norfolk Southern or it's predecessors.

There is no age limit or time frame that the pictures must be from.

Everyone including moderators and administrators may enter the contest.

Each participant is limited to ONE entry in the contest.

Since the winning image is posted on the main page you must attach the file as a thumbnail. You may post the image in the thread as well if you desire. Attaching the image can be done in the additional options menu above and to the left of the post button.

The deadline for entries will be posted in the theme post each month. Following the deadline a poll is placed in the thread for voting. When the poll is posted the deadline to vote is also posted. The poll will time out at the designated time. The winner is determined by the highest vote total.

In the event of a tie vote there will be a two day run off.
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter


NS 197 splits the signals at Amberley Village, Ohio on the former PRR Richmond Branch on it's journey from Fort Wayne to Cincinnati.


High hood SD40-2 3318 with D9-40C 8811. Two standard cabs, two builders.


NS P09 with a GP38-2 High Hood ex-Southern repainted and a D8-32B running Elephant Style at Dundee Yard in Danville,Virginia.
Danville District,Charlotte District, and Raleigh District Fan 101


NS 346 crossing the hopskip bridge at Debutts Yard with a spartan cab GP60
leading 11 more units into rec track 7.


NS D37 at Farley's Lane with a matching pair of ex-Conrail SD40-2's

NW: There's No Stopping Us!


NS 375, waiting for a crew at North Wye behind SD70 #2515
Caleb M. Herndon, KK4CDT
Frankfort, KY

"The human mind is like a railroad freight car; guaranteed to have a certain capacity, but often running empty."


NS V19's unit 3283 rests on a sunny June morning in Bristol while 22A streaks past on the siding next to it.

Gage O'Dell

NS 224 sits in the yard with NS 6589 SD60 in the lead


Southbound freight with NS GP38 2792, SSW B40-8 8049 and NS C39-8 8603 holds main 1 just south of Graham, Charlotte, NC 1992.

JCagleTopic starter

The poll is now posted and will be up for the next 5 days. Good luck to all that entered!
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter

JCagleTopic starter

Congrats to NS2593 for winning the July contest in a runoff! We will get the picture posted to facebook and on the page tonight.
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter