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Winning Photograph Thread

Started by Michael Knight, August 02, 2008, 09:02:45 PM

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Michael KnightTopic starter

Here is Willie Brown's winning photograph for August 2008.

Michael KnightTopic starter

Here is Mike Ray's winning photograph for September 2008.

Michael KnightTopic starter

Here is Whitehorne's winning photograph for October 2008.

Michael KnightTopic starter

Here is Whitehorne's winning photograph for November 2008! Congratulations, Whitehorne, for having two winning photos in a row! :)

Michael KnightTopic starter

Here is Conrail Kid's winning photograph for December 2008.

Michael KnightTopic starter

Here is Nick Wilson's winning photograph for January 2009.

Michael KnightTopic starter

Here is Dustin Grizzle's winning entry for February 2009.

Michael KnightTopic starter

Here is Dustin Grizzle's winning entry for March 2009.

Here is NS145's winning entry for March 2009.

Michael KnightTopic starter

Here is NS 145's winning photograph for April 2009.

Michael KnightTopic starter

NS 145's winning shot of train 2oT, May 2009 Contest


June 2009's winner is Whitethorne with his V60 shot

Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter


July 2009's winner is NS 145's D37 Shot
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter


And the trophy goes to Blueflag for this Mountaintop view of the East Slope near Horseshoe Curve in Pa.

Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter


October 2009's winner is Khalua10's 76A just outside the Bristol Yard.

Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter


November 2009's winner is Todd Arnett and his shot of Sou 6133
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter