Frustrating RP Reject

Started by CSXBVSub, May 13, 2009, 07:48:34 PM

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CSXBVSubTopic starter

I've tried this 3 different ways now, and can't get it to work.

1st: Horizon was slightly unlevel
2nd: Undersharpened
3rd: Blurry, when I can tell no quality difference.

What do you guys think?

Justin Stephenson

I agree , however i love thep ic i found my new background image :D lol
Justin Stephenson /// Bad Day Of Railfanning Is Better Then A good Day At Work.


First of all I think that the composition of the photo is pretty good, but I think that even if you do fix the reasons for rejection, it may not make it do to the lighting. The sun was pretty high in the pic, and has some decent sized shadows on the trucks and pilot. Also to me it looks a little overexposed, however that could be a result of the high sun angle. I think that if you leveled it off of the building in the background, sharpened it up a little, and then bumped down the exposure it might have a shot. However, I think that the better thing to do would be to try it again. The lighting is a fairly easy thing to fix if you can go either earlier or later in the day depenending on how the shot is situated. During the summer months I find it ideal to be out from sunrise until about 10-10:30 am, and then from about 3:30-4 pm until sundown. This will give you the lower sun angles and the more desirable lighting conditions.

However, as others have said, just have fun! Take the shots that you want to take, after all your the one that is going to be looking at the shot the most.



I agree about the contrast....took a moment and copied your shot to Photoshop CS3 and made it a tad more contrasty and also adjusted the gamma correction slightly to cool down the lighting a bit.  Definetly made the colors more pronounced.


Yeah man don't get frustrated with RPnet.  Shoot for yourself and have a blast, that's what counts.  I happened to like your shot, even if it RP says its imperfect.
God Bless America!
NS Conductor, CNO&TP
A few pictures

CSXBVSubTopic starter

Thanks for the positive comments guys! I'm still trying to get better at photoshop after the pictures.

If anyone wants to see more of my pics, you can go to: