
Started by Whitethorne, February 10, 2009, 05:06:48 PM

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WhitethorneTopic starter

RP rejected these for - Composition/Balance: The composition of this photo is poor relating to the overall balance of the image. Any help is needed!

First image:236 Radford
Second image:38Q Radford.
Samuel Phillips
My photos: www.pbase.com/whitethorne
My videos: www.youtube.com/NS7500


I think they are basically saying that the dark left side is distracting. The shadow on the platform doesn't add much to them. If those areas were light it would make a big difference.
Alpha Phi Psi - Tarheel Chapter


its a nice shot ,  but the screeners are not liking the following

the paved road
the large shadow
and the guardrail

WhitethorneTopic starter

Thanks for your help Batman!
Samuel Phillips
My photos: www.pbase.com/whitethorne
My videos: www.youtube.com/NS7500