Vintage horns at Greenwood KY

Started by E.M. Bell, December 09, 2006, 02:51:35 PM

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E.M. BellTopic starter

Friday 12/08/06 Caleb and myself where invited down to Greenwood KY for a Private horn Blow. A group of fellows from KY and TN that collect vintage diesel horns gathered to spend the day voicing and blowing a plethora of awesome stuff, including everything from M5's to P5's, and just about every variant of the Leslie RS5T known to man  ;D   Our secluded location provided a great "theater" for sound, and being close to the NS main didn't hurt. Look for some more photos and video and audio clips to be posted in the gallery in the near future.

Here is a shot of our host's truck, with a Leslie RS5T mounted...

E.M. Bell, KD4JSL
Salvisa, KY



Good thing the windows didn't break when that went off, that horn set is almost as big as the truck.  :o


I have uploaded a couple of photos and four video clips from Friday.  The video quality sucks, but the audio is great.  Feel free to check it out...
Caleb M. Herndon, KK4CDT
Frankfort, KY

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