
Started by Bill Richardson, March 17, 2024, 09:38:12 PM

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Bill RichardsonTopic starter

Too bad this website died.  I liked it.

E. Hodgson

It is sad I agree, I keep it hosted as it's a wealth of information that is still available.

This is the effect social media and younger generations had on the internet, forums died to give way to a for of media that important information is there one day and impossible to find in the future whereas forums remain searchable on search engines for ever.

Rathole Railfan

Thanks for keeping it alive.  There is a wealth of information here.

E. Hodgson

I will say if anyone has time to advertise to groups and spur a younger generation of users and wants to help I am all for suggestions, I will help anyway I can.


I keep the NS train symbol list up to date.  I check for changes on a daily basis.