Moosac Tunnel OOS

Started by Matt L, February 13, 2020, 07:46:29 PM

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Matt LTopic starter

From yesterday:

QuoteNORTH ADAMS, Mass. (WWLP) – The Hoosac Tunnel is currently closed to trains because of debris on the tracks.

Pan Am railways Executive Vice President Cynthia Scarano told 22News that the track is temporarily out of service. Scarano said there was a washout involving dirt and rocks, but would not classify it as a collapse of the structure. The company says it is a track and maintenance review situation.

According to several Facebook reports, Pan AM does have an engineering team evaluating the tunnel. It is expected to reopen Monday. In the meantime, NS 22K and 23K are using CSX between Ayer, MA and Buffalo, NY. NS11R and 14R are also aaffected, although I do not know what detour route they are using.
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Matt LTopic starter

Update: the tunnel is expected to re-open on Sat 2/22.
Got questions? I can help you with the Erie Lackawanna (including predecessors), Lehigh Valley, Delaware & Hudson and the shortlines of upstate NY.

Matt LTopic starter

According to FB: Hoosac Tunnel may take up to 60 days to reopen. NS and CSX are also having a feud, so the final NS 23K detour over CSX  (symbol Z013) will happen tonight.
Got questions? I can help you with the Erie Lackawanna (including predecessors), Lehigh Valley, Delaware & Hudson and the shortlines of upstate NY.

Matt LTopic starter

NS and CSX have worked out their differences because 23K detrous are running again as Z013 on CSX. NS has a run a 27W detour (auto racks) using a combination of CP and the Green Mountain RR to bypass Hoosac Tunnel.
Got questions? I can help you with the Erie Lackawanna (including predecessors), Lehigh Valley, Delaware & Hudson and the shortlines of upstate NY.

Matt LTopic starter

Hoosac Tunnel reopened effective today, and NS now accepting freight in New England again.
Got questions? I can help you with the Erie Lackawanna (including predecessors), Lehigh Valley, Delaware & Hudson and the shortlines of upstate NY.