Interstate 8105 on M11 3/8/13

Started by Gage O'Dell, March 09, 2013, 09:33:21 AM

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Gage O'DellTopic starter

Yesterday M11 had the Interstate 8105 as a trailing unit, here are a few pictures I got of him before going to work.

A dirty 8105 at South Wye

8105 and M11 prepare to stop right behind NS 117 in Danville Yard

NS M11 with Interstate 8105, with the Tower in the background. The tower is on its last few legs, as they will tear down the tower sometime this year.


Quote from: Gage O'Dell on March 09, 2013, 09:33:21 AM

NS M11 with Interstate 8105, with the Tower in the background. The tower is on its last few legs, as they will tear down the tower sometime this year.

The tower at Danville is still standing to this day, years later. Is the tower currently occupied/used, or is the yardmaster in Danville working out of the the old depot?