October Contest - Cemetery Shots

Started by E. Hodgson, October 03, 2017, 06:02:09 PM

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E. HodgsonTopic starter

This will be a tough one for a lot but lets see some shots of trains running past cemetery, to open this a little any "spooky" place will suffice as well.  Halloween themed Railroad pictures!

Submissions end on 10/26/2017

Good luck and don't for get to vote for Septembers contest!


NS 174 at Tateville, Kentucky on May 31, 2014.

E. HodgsonTopic starter

Well I guess this contest was a bust, congrats to K8DTI on being the winner.

November's contest will be posted soon.

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Yea, congrat's K8.

BTW, I looked through my entire hard drive . . . . nothing linked to a Halloween-type scene, with an NS train nearby.  The best shots I found were of the RB&BB circus train rolling by Beech Grove cemetery in town, and the only reason the grave stones were in the photograph is because they got "in the way".  I couldn't crop them out of the scene, or would have!  Bottom line, they were hardy contest worthy pics.

On to fall colors, the November challenge.

Matt L

Since Iv'e been working on moving myp hoto archive, I reviewed everything I've shot since mid 2011 and couldn't find a single shot of a train passing a cemetery or a similarly creepy scene. Mind you, NS does pass a grave yard in Canisteo , NY but i've never shot atrain there.

Congrats to KBDTI for getting a shot that's pretty rare.
Got questions? I can help you with the Erie Lackawanna (including predecessors), Lehigh Valley, Delaware & Hudson and the shortlines of upstate NY.