
Started by Bill Richardson, February 02, 2017, 10:51:43 AM

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Bill RichardsonTopic starter

   I guess I'm done with Photobucket.  I have had an account for 3-4 years.  I mainly opened it for storage of photos, and to use it  to insert photos where I needed to, whith JREB being one place.

   Just within the last half hour, a bunch of my photos were erased off a flash drive.  I have a small collection of photos from the Fulton, KY yard, from when we visited relatives now and then.  I intended to put one of them in this month's photo contest, and had it ready to upload.  The free account in Photobucket is very slow, like wading through knee-deep mud.  It must take a super-duper computer to get reasonable speed in there.  Mine isn't very old--it has Vista, and 1.5 Gig of RAM.  Yet, free Photobucket is very slow.

   While in Photobucket, I saw three photos in my RR section I didn't need and deleted them.  Then I went to locate and upload one photo for the contest.  I got to the folder, but it showed empty.  Using Windows Explorer, I saw that my photo was still on the flash drive, in a certain Fulton folder.  I kept trying, and every time, when in the Photobucket upload mode, it showed the folder as empty.  I copied that one photo and put in directly under the folder name, for Fulton.  I had several dates under that heading.  That certain photo was in the last folder, by date.  Eventually, I discovered that every photo in that folder, and the folder itself were erased--off my flash drive.  I think another folder got erased too; not sure.  This never happened before.  I don't know what happened.

   I guess I'm going to get rid of that Photobucket account.  I recently posted several photos on JREB.  They will disappear, plus all the other ones I posted in the last 3 years or so.  I don't want to lose more photos because of some glitch or virus on Photobucket.  I have Adaware on my computer.

E. Hodgson


I have been working with coming up with a hosting option to add to that would help in hosting images on the site and possibly have a pay for option for large scale hosting that users could purchase, hopefully in an effort to make jreb self-sufficient funding wise. So maybe in the future something can be created to help out.

Bill RichardsonTopic starter

   That sounds like a good idea.  I have been looking at various storage/sharing services, for one that is fairly simple, free, and would serve the main purpose of my being able to insert a photo into JREB or elsewhere, and store photos for security.  There are various factors to consider besides storage space.  I settled on "Dropbox", but then found that I couldn't insert a photo somewhere, only a link that takes a viewer to Dropbox, to a page with the photo and a comment box.  I want to insert photos, not just links that take a viewer somewhere else.  I have an account with Railroad Picture Archives, and found that I could use that to insert a photo somewhere, so I'm going to use that for now.  It isn't what I wanted, but it will work.  Some of those storage/sharing services are very phone oriented, and phone use is a big part of them it seems.  Some outfits, especially anything connected with Google, synchronize a persons equipment and accounts, and tie everything together.  That is how I understand it.  All I want is a place to store photos and be able to organize them, and send a link  if I want, or insert a photo in some website.  I don't need automatic uploading, or automatic catagorizing, or automatic sharing, or automatic anything.  Some outfits will scan your stuff and do automatic this or that, and keep track of everything, seems like, and probably know as much about your photo stuff and interests as Kroger does about your purchases from them.  It is important to read Terms & Conditions, even if it takes 20 minutes, for any services you are really interested in.  Equally important is to read descriptions from various independent reviewers.


Flickr may also bear consideration. After uploading it, you can download it in one of several sizes, including the original size and some more web page-friendly options.
Gavin W.
Christiansburg, VA

E.M. Bell

I switched over to Flickr last year, and have been very impressed.  Its Free, easy to use, and you get a LOT of storage space (1TB)... 

You can find my stuff on Flickr at this link
E.M. Bell, KD4JSL
Salvisa, KY


Bill RichardsonTopic starter

Can Flickr photos be inserted here, as photos, not just links back to a flickr page?

E. Hodgson

Yes, photos can be embedded by using the BBCode embedding link on Flickr, or most other hosting sites.